티스토리 뷰
세가영(세상에서 가장 쉬운 영어)-48강.as 만큼 as 해
48화 as 만큼 as 해
1. 비슷하다고 할 때 as
A. 의미 : ~ 만큼 ~해.
2. 성질 앞 뒤에 as 두 번 사용
톰은 에이미 만큼 키가 커.
Tom is as tall as Amy.
내 백은 니 백만큼 비싸.
My bag is as expensive as your bag.(yours)
우리집은 니네 집 만큼 커.
My house is as big as your house.(yours)
내 여동생은 니 여동생 만큼 나이가 있어.
My sister is as old as your sister.
3. As ~ as 부정
톰은 에이미 만큼 키가 안 커.
Tom isn’t as tall as Amy.
비교급으로 전환 가능.
톰이 에이미 보다 작다.
Tom is shoter than Amy.
에이미는 톰보다 크다.
Amy is bigger than Tom.
4. 동작을 넣어서 비교. (부사를 이용)
톰은 에이미 만큼 빨리 달려
Tom runs as fast as Amy.
Tom runs as fast as Amy runs.
Tom runs as fast as Amy does. (do/does가 대동사로 사용)
톰은 에이미 만큼 느리게 말해.
Tom speaks as slowly as Amy.
Tom speaks as slowly as Amy speaks.
Tom speaks as slowly as Amy does.
그는 에이미 만큼 빨리 달렸어.
Tom ran as fast as Amy.
Tom ran as fast as Amy ran.
Tom ran as fast as Amy did.
5. As much/many 명사 as
톰은 에이미 만큼 많은 신발을 가지고 있어.
Tom has as many shoes as Amy.
톰은 에이미 만큼 많은 돈을 벌었어.
Tom earned as much money as Amy.
톰은 에이미 만큼 많은 자녀를 가졌어.
Tom has as many kids as Amy.
톰은 에이미 만큼 많은 시간을 낭비했어.
Tom wasted as much time as Amy.
6. The same (명사) as
오늘 날씨는 어제와 같아.
Today’s weather is same as yesterday’s (weather)
톰은 에이미와 같은 나이야.
Tom is the same age as Amy.
그는 나와 같은 월급을 받았어.
He got the same salary as me. (케쥬얼표현시 me)
He got the same salary as I did. (격식 있는 표현시 I )
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